Personal Computer News

C64 Screen Dump Not So Squashed

Categories: Letter

Author: Stephen Blatt
Published in Personal Computer News #092

C64 Screen Dump Not So Squashed

I tried out Simon Taylor's program (issue 79) which provides screen dumps from the Commodore 64 to an Epson priinter and found that the dumps produced appeared to be squashed.

The problem is in the choice of 7/72 line spacings. A dump produced with this spacing causes some lines on the printout to contain the data of two screen lines. Changing the spacing to 8/72 line eradicates the problem.

The following alterations need to be made to the Basic loader to sort out this problem: Line 30 - change the 6th data item to a '7' instead of a '6'. This will allow for the extra control code needed.

Line 80 - change the 13th data item to '199' instead of '198'. This moves the address of the second code table by one byte.

Line 100 should read as follows:

 100 DATA 41,16,201,16,208,247,138,141,0,221,

If you have your printer set up to line feed after the carriage return, change the 13th data item on line 70 to '0' instead of 13. This will print a space.

If all these alterations are made, the checksum on line 210 will need changing to 24936, instead of 24923.

This should make the dumps appear less squashed.

Stephen Platt
Chorley, Lancs

Stephen Blatt