Personal Computer News

6845 Chip Shows Its Variety

Published in Personal Computer News #065

6845 Chip Shows Its Variety

This program for the 48K Lynx demonstrates the versatility of the 6845 chip. The command &87,3 will crush everything up into the top half of the screen.

The other commands choose the registers and alter the horizontal screen size, while the command OUT&87,3 displays everything twice.

100 CLS
110 FOR X=0 TO 255
120 INK X
130 MOVE X,0
140 DRAW 255-X,255
150 NEXT X
160 FOR Y=0 TO 255
170 INK Y
180 MOVE 0,Y
190 DRAW 255,255-Y
200 NEXT Y
210 OUT&86,6
220 OUT&87,8
230 OUT&86,8
240 OUT&87,0
250 PAUSE 10000
260 OUT&86,6
270 OUT&87,32
280 OUT&86,8
290 OUT&87,3
300 PAUSE 10000
310 GOTO 210

G. D. Holland, Eastbourne, Sussex

G. D. Holland