Personal Computer News


Categories: Review: Software
Author: Geof Wheelwright
Publisher: Imagine
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Personal Computer News #059


In this one-player game, you control Leaping Lenny, who must jump from the foot of the screen up through the eight levels above till he reaches the top and then starts on another slightly harder screen.

Lenny moves up by waiting for a gap to appear above his head, and he jumps through this onto the next level... or falls down a level if he allows the moving gap to get under his feet. Initially there are two gaps, one moving up the screen and one moving down, but for each successful leap a new gap appears, the first three moving down the screen, the next three up the screen, till the maximum of eight gaps is moving up and down. Now this obviously means more gaps to jump through, and equally obviously more to fall down through. You avoid the gaps beneath your tootsies by running off the screen to left or right, when you'll scroll round and appear on the other side, and the tricky bit comes when a descending gap meets an ascending gap and you're left without a leg to stand on.

For each level you get through, an obstacle appears - one of assorted characters that run across the screen and render you unconscious on collision. The shapes don't always appear on the same level each time, so even if you don't get very far you see a variety of snakes, crocodile heads, axes, and even men with umbrellas.

The graphics and sound are both good, with Lenny's legs moving nineteen to the dozen.

The game is of the sort that is a ridiculously simple idea, but hard to do and totally addictive. There's a high-score record kept, and with a maximum of 20 hazards possible, it should set a challenge.

Geof Wheelwright

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