Future Publishing

Metal Slug 3

Author: Ben Lawrence
Publisher: Ignition
Machine: Xbox (EU Version)

Published in Official Xbox Magazine #35

A new game with retro roots. Welcome to sluggish heaven!

Metal Slug 3 (Ignition)

We're all for this 2D retro malarkey. There's something quite 'end of the pier' about it that makes us feel all nostalgic, especially when the game in question is as enjoyable as Metal Slug 3. For a bargain-bucket price of £20 you're getting far more than just bargain-bucket gaming.

Like its predecessors, Metal Slug 3 is a side-scrolling thumb-bruiser, an exercise in how long you can keep the momentum up while avoiding enemy bullets. Thankfully, the variety and speed at which you're thrown your prey comes thick and fast, often on Earth, but occasionally in the clouds, under the sea, or in deepest space. During the missions you'll either have a rocket pack strapped to your back, be sat in the cockpit of a helicopter, or sport some dashing Sean Connery-style diving gear, each of which serves as a substitute for an extra life. Get hit in the chopper and you'll eject rather than dying. They're a godsend because, without every help you can get, the action can become quite aggressive.

Again, this is countered by your weapons, which range from a flaming shotgun to a laser and everything in between. Metal Slug's Japanese roots also show during weapon pick-ups as a naff voiceover screams "Rocket Lownchur!" whenever you equip one. It's daft but it's also endearing.

Metal Slug 3 won't last you an age, with only around half a dozen levels, but there are lots of sub-games, comedy missions that become unlocked and plenty of on-screen nonsense to keep you entertained. Look out for the zombies. If you get hit# you'll become one (with projectile explosive vomit 100), and if explosive zombie sick isn't worth 20 quid and a few hours of your time we don't know what is. Old skool, but hey, old's cool.


A knock-about piece of software, ideal for those afternoons you've got a few hours to kill. It's not amazing but great for £20.

Ben Lawrence

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