This another arcade game in the series devised by Jeff Minter featuring the mystical charms of the Llama, either being attacked or attacking some alien force.
In this particular scenario, the Outpost station at the Edge of Time is being attacked by Zzyaxian cyborg arachnid mutants (or just bathroom spiders).
The spiders descend from the top of the screen on threads, which can be broken by either shooting at them or just leaving them to disintegrate on their own. Shots can be fired by pressing the fire button, which then causes the llama to spit a laser bolt in the direction of its movement. If the spiders are not shot in mid-air, they then fall to ground and mutate into a creature called a Weeviloid which then proceeds to move towards you (presumably for revenge).
To help destroy these creatures, a deflective force field is provided at the top of the screen, controlled by the vertical movements of the joystick, and so any shot fired at this force field is deflected back to ground thereby eliminating the creatures in its path.
Only three chances/lives are available, to attain as high a score as possible.
This is a difficult yet addictive game with a simple and uncluttered screen layout that should give hours of frustrating entertainment.
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