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Published in Personal Computer News #092


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Routine Enquiries - What do you wanna know? What's on your mind? PCN's got the answers
PCN Routine Enquiries

Solve your programming problems by consulting our experts.

Discovered something to do with your micro that you've never seen before? Send it to PCN!
PCN Microwaves

PCN's readers make friends and influence people when they send in their hints and tips. The £10 reward can't come amiss either.

PCN Output
PCN Hardware
  • Cortex 2
    Whether you buy the kit or the ready-built version, the Cortex 2 out-benchmarks the competition. However, the machine is still something of a challenge to take on, says Brendin Lewis.
PCN Peripherals
  • Shinwa CPA-80
    The CPA-80 printer has a range of features that would grace a more expensive machine.
PCN Software
  • Music Master
    Music Master turns your computer into an electronic music synthesiser and teaches you about music into the bargain.
PCN Gameplay

Smash-hit game follows smash-hit film Ghostbusters in our regular selection of reviews.

Text Only Adventures for the 8 Bits in Personal Computer News' Dungeon
PCN Dungeon

On the eighth day of Christmas, why not get stuck into an adventure?

PCN Charts

Compiled from both independent and multiple sources across the nation, the Charts reflect what's happening in high streets during the week up to December 12 1984.

PCN Billboard

Pre-Christmas bargains.

PCN Quit

PCN signs off for this year, and looks forward to the next. Plus syntax errors and a few dates for your diary.