Personal Computer News

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Published in Personal Computer News #088

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Electron Wins Its Spurs
Wafa-Type System Connects With C64
All Work And No Play At Business Show
Torch Introduces An Upgraded Unicorn
Acorn Displays Its Many New Wares
TDI Pinnacle Races To UK Speed Record
RML Makes Music And Doubles 480Z Disks
NEC Knocks Bottom Out Of Lap-held Prices
Sharp Spindle
Belligerent Atari Cuts 800XL Again
Cheap Utility Software Starts To Mushroom
Network Nation Tangles With The Law - View From America
Microdrive Storage Mars OPD Concept
Sleight Of Hand - Paul Daniels' Magic Show
It's The "Why Are We Waiting?" Department
Pro-Lite Enters Luggable Market
First Word Try-out Designed To Go Phut
Will Plus/4 Adapt To The C64 Path?
Just Put Your Lips Together And Blow - Homefront
Shop Assistants: Beware Of This Fan
Amstrad Chases Grand Masters
White Lightning Strikes Up A Band
MSX Fan's Angry Brickbat
Roar Together Dragon Fanciers
Troubled Camputers Lynx Group Feels Sick
Question Of Hexagon Copyright
Cross-Fertilising Tandy With Spectrum
Queries On The C64 Koalaprinter
What's Up With Disk Drives For Oric 1?
Wanted: User Group For Sharp PC1500
Help Me Choose My New Micro
Amstrad Dump To Epson-type Printer
Word Count Routine For Spectrum
Reverse Video Atari Characters
Data Editing Utility
Word Count And Page Numbers In Tasword
Multi-Mode Screens
Specword Word Proessor Part 2
Selective RENUMBER Command
Pattern Demos
Star Drop
One Per Desk
BBC Model B Retrospective
Commodore Communications Modem
Smith Corona Fastext 80
Software Preview
Basic Extensions ROM
QL Monitor
Chinese Juggler
The Magic Roundabout
Star Eggs
Astro Attack
Space Ace 2101
Java Jim
The Master Memory Map For The Vic 20
The Business Computer Guide
Learning With Adventure Programs
Charts (November 14 1984)
Syntax Errors