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Published in Personal Computer News #079


PCN Monitor
PCN Output
Random Access - Personal Computer News Articles from you, the readers!
PCN Random Access

Your letters - moans, groans, complaints or praise.

PCN Routine Enquiries
Routine Enquiries - What do you wanna know? What's on your mind? PCN's got the answers

Got a problem you just can't figure out? Cop some advice from PCN's team of experts.

PCN's clues column with a bundle of microcomputing tips.
PCN Microwaves
PCN Hardware
PCN Hardware
PCN Peripherals
PCN Software
PCN Gameplay
PCN Readout

Which books are worth paying good money for? Our reviewers pick four off the shelves.

PCN Charts

The latest best-sellers in games and hardware with a new feature this week - the weekly top ten games for the Spectrum and the Commodore 64.

PCN Billboard

Pick up a bargain on our page of second hand hardware and software.

PCN Quit

Industry idiocies, the great PCN Misprints and downright malicious gossip. Plus few dates for the diary and Syntax Errors.

Thanks to XXX, XXX and XXX for sponsoring the creation of this issue