Personal Computer News

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Published in Personal Computer News #062

Main Menu
QL Fails First Test
IBM Pares Software Cost To The Bone
GST Ready To Take Up Slack
Future Net
MSX Static
ASA Slams Micro Men
Stop Thief
Protek Modem Held Up By Telecom Approval Process
DEC Display
Commando Raid Recovers Apricot - View From Japan
AMS Ties In With Replica
Registration Deal For PC
Stacking Pattern
Kaypro Enhances Model 4
Games Cheaper
Casio Breaks ?400 Barrier On Luggables
Rise Burroughs
Prestel DBs Rejigged
Peripherals Roundup
The Manufacturers' Naming Game
Acorn - Could Try Harder
Help To Design A Computer Desk
Calling All Bulletin Boards
Where Is An Electron Not An Electron?
Spectrum Wanted - In W Australia
User Group For Various Machines
Barking Up The Wrong Piracy Tree
Fears Of Satisfied Oric Owner
Spikey Problem Of Mains Surge
Manic Miner Elbows The Boy
Into Business With The Spectrum
A Useful Address For Vic 20 Interfaces
If Music Be The Food Of Colour...
Fuller Box Hitches Loading?
IF Statements And Bubble Sorts
Vic's Operation Speeded Up
Oric Atmos Command Mix-up
Spectrum Programs Unmergeable
Vic Goes Into Reverse
All The Shades Of The Oric
Cure For Bodged Codes
Noises On The Spectrum
Text & Hires
Split Screen Graphics
Array Sort Utility
Japanese Peripheral Invasion
K1 Buggy & Youngtrainer
Koala Pad & Koala Painter
Spectrum Scholars*
Diligent Duo*
Expressbase 2
Software Preview
House Of Death
Operation Gremlin
Spectravideo Computing
First Steps With Your BBC Micro, A Beginners' Guide To Simple Programming
Micro Man
Computing For All The Family With A BBC Computer
Spectrum Special
The Spectrum Workshop - Word Processing And Beyond
Charts (May 11 1984)
Yate & Sodbury Computer Club
Syntax Errors