Personal Computer News

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Published in Personal Computer News #057

Main Menu
Games Prices Crash
Compaq Here At The Double
Sinclair Retreats On QL As Delivery Dates Slip Again
Jobs For Girls
Oric Disk Shock
Hannover Fest Springboard
Spectral CP/M
Steady Plotter
Atmos Sparks Price Rise
Sinclair Draws Up List
Smokestack America Lets Off Steam - View From America
Kaypro Opens Up With Sale
Saab Driver
IBM In Time
TI99/4A Bounces Back
Rent-a-VTX Scheme Lures Sinclair Users
Modem Trio
The Umpire Strikes Back
Touchy H-P Cuts Price Of New Micro
Toad Is Set To Spawn
Arcade Digest
Coleco Sheds Adam Workers
Will Our Enterprise Go Unrewarded?
Maybe Not - If You Know The System
Act In Haste, Repent At Leisure
Simple Solution To Tape Trouble
And Did You Push The Record Button?
Atari's Prices Aren't Justified
Supply And Demand Determine Prices
Spectrum Loading Needs Right Volume
Pasta Blasta Outa Now
Rules Of The Game Exchange
Load Oric Program Before Picture
Modems For Phone Conversation
Another Spectrum Bites The Dust
ARCOS Error On The Newbrain
Stopping Oric AUTO Files Made Easy
Spectrum Skips The SAVE Prompt
Typing On The Atari Window
BBC Answers 'Yes' Or 'No'
Routine To POKE At Spectrum Listings
Newbrain CIRCLE Gets Around The ARC
Assembly Language Part 1
Oric Scroll
Portables Roundup*
Morex Disk Drive Interface
Atari 1020 Colour Printer/Plotter
Software Preview
French Language Lessons*
FT Moneywise
Air Traffic Control
Super Spy
Neptune's Daughters
China Miner
Communications And Networking For The IBM PC
Choosing A Word Processor
The Sensible 64
Fortran For Human Beings
Microwars On The Commodore 64
Chips, Computers And Robots
Making The Most Of Your Spectrum Microdrives
The Computer And Video Games Book Of Adventure
Charts (April 5 1984)
Communications: Bulletin Boards
Communications: Ringing Up Rewtel
Communications: Micronet Messages
Communications: One To One, One To Many
Communications: Send A Note By Comet
Communications: Telecom's Gold Mine
Communications: Dial Into Prestel
Communications; Tap Into The Source
Communications: Computer Serves You
Communications: National Interest
North London BBC Micro User Group
Syntax Errors