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Published in Personal Computer News #047

PAL2000 Comic Strip


PCN Monitor
Random Access - Personal Computer News Articles from you, the readers!
PCN Random Access

Get out your pens or printers and unburden yourself on our letters page.

Routine Enquiries - What do you wanna know? What's on your mind? PCN's got the answers
PCN Routine Enquiries

More problems solved by our panel of experts.

Discovered something to do with your micro that you've never seen before? Send it to PCN!
PCN Microwaves

How to win friends, influence people and earn money - share your hints and tips here.

PCN Output
PCN Hardware
PCN Peripherals
PCN Software
PCN Gameplay

If you can't try before you buy, take the next best thing - our regular software reviews.

PCN Readout

Book your seat for a quiet read.

PCN Charts

Both hardware and software charts compiled for us by MRIB (Computers).

PCN Micropaedia
PCN Billboard

Pick up a bargain or make cash from your unwanted bits and PCs

PCN Quit

Create a caption for our laughline, plus more goofs in Syntax Errors and forthcoming events of a micro nature.