Future Publishing

MegaMan X8

Author: Leon Hurley
Publisher: Capcom
Machine: PlayStation 2 (EU Version)

Published in Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine #56

Once, twice... eight times, and he's still not a man. Nor mega.

MegaMan X8

Aww... MegaMan. We kind of feel sorry for him. Every few months he tootles onto the PS2, doe-eyed and looking for love, and every time we pretty much kick him and his games to the kerb.

Little seems to have changed for this latest game, especially in terms of the stupid plot - once again our blue hero is charged with taking down a powerful robo-enemy... as he always does. This time, though, MegaMan is paired with two new characters, Zero and Axl, who can take his place tag team-style throughout the game.

Each character has different skills. MegaMan is powerful but can only shoot in one direction, Axl has weaker firepower but can fly and shoot in any direction, while Zero comes with a powerful, short-range sword. Unfortunately, what you're really given is a limited adventure with little sense of achievement - cartoon environments whiz past the screen, bringing various creatures into your line of fire, but that's about it.

Switching between characters allows for some strategy, but the character's variety is spoilt by inconsistent levels - Axl's ability to fly makes certain jumping sections pointless and Zero's limited range means he can't help but take a pounding from some enemies. Add to that boss fights that feel like they can be won purely by sheer bloody mindedness, and you've got a game best left in the time warp it seems to have been spat out from.


Graphics 60%
Clear, but a waste of the third dimension.

Sound 60%
Retro arcade loops and noises.

Gameplay 40%
You'll have it sussed in the first level.

Lifespan 50%
Jump, shoot, jump. Does that do it for you?

Overall 50%
An average blaster that bores as much as it bewilders. You could have more fun zapping noises at strangers.

Leon Hurley

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