SSI has come up with yet another warfare simulation. This time you have an opportunity of controlling some of the most powerful modern military hardware ever built.
The scenario for the combat is a hyprothetical war between the Nato forces and the Soviet Union.
As with all SSI games, you are greeted with a menu screen from which you must enter a number of variables that affect the coming battle.
Available only on disc, the game can be loaded by removing all cartridges from old Atari micros, or holding down the Option key and switching on with your game disc in drive one.
Once loaded you choose your options and away you go. I found it great fun to let the computer randomly generate its own map, as this adds a dimension of the unknown.
Your commands to the squadrons of vehicles are entered via a status window at the bottom of the screen. The action is split into several phases. However, you will have to read the manual carefully before you can understand their operation fully.
The full colour map display used is composed of a 60 by 40 grid, of which 20 by 10 squares may be viewed at one time. By pressing keys 1 to 8 you can move your cursor around the map. If the cursor is moved off the edge of the display the map will scroll to reveal the hidden portions.
When you play an assault type battle - selected from the options menu - the map is reduced in size to a 60 by 20 grid.
You are provided with a quick reference chart to help you identify the terrain and units on the map. I found it useful to place sticky-based plastic around it to stop it getting dog-earred after constant use.
In the middle of the booklet is a section detailing interesting facts about a number of armoured vehicles from both sides.
Not only can you control all the ground vehicles but helicopters and infantry can also be deployed. Basically, you have every form of weapon of destruction at your fingertips. Several historical scenarios are included on your main disc and it is very interesting to play.
Overall, an excellent simulation from the experts in wargames on the Atari.