
Manic Miner

Publisher: 0xC0DE
Machine: Acorn Electron

Manic Miner

Manic Miner was one of 2021's biggest surprises on the Electron. One of the sublime Eighties hits, this serial platformer was the prequel to Jet Set Willy and is still the Spectrum's most recognisable game. Miner Willy has to get through a number of screens, collecting the items and avoiding the nasties.

Truth be told, Manic Miner isn't particularly hard. It demands a certain level of skill, but not the pixel-perfect positioning that many platformers require. This makes it quite addictive, and still holds up well to this day.

The Electron had to wait a long time for a version of Manic Miner. But the good news is that, when it did finally arrive, it was virtually indistinguishable from the Spectrum original. So don't miss your chance to play a true gaming legend.