Games Computing


Publisher: Gamma
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Games Computing #13

Madhatter (Gamma)

"Oh No", "What am I going to do?" wails the mad hatter, and in my opinion he certainly has something to, wail about, for being such a scatter brain as he is he finds it very difficult to remember things. He has however just remembered that today is his unbirthday and he has invited all his friends over to tea to celebrate the occasion, but he forgot to get in anything to eat.

There is still time to save the day if he hurries, so help the mad hatter to collect his tea time treats and carry them to the table, but you must look out for the mice. Those nasty mice will pinch anything from right under your nose and the mouse poison never seems to kill anything but the mad hatter himself.

While you are doing all this with one hand you must proceed to clean up the house before the guests arrive, with the other hand. So get the hoovers out. Whoops, oh dear, those mice have been at it again, they have rigged up your hoovers to suck twice as hard so don't get to close or you will find yourself sucked upwards very rapidly. Luckily you are able to turn the hoovers off every once in a while by touching the plug, which seems to float around the room, like everything else in this mad place. And even curioser, you will find that not only the mice eat the sweets you must collect, but the poison and the plugs eat them as well.

To pass the first phase you must collect five chocolate rolls but you need ten sweets for every chocolate roll. The second phase is very similar except that a large yellow ball has escaped from somewhere so watch out for that. Following phases are very similar.

Mad Hatter is played at quite a speed so it takes some time to get used to and can be highly confusing. Still great fun for all ages.