Why No Feedback, Folks?

Published in EUG #32

Some more news from down under. Greetings and thanks to all who have been in touch. Elks are fairly thin on the ground in New Zealand so it's always good to hear from someone with a similar interest.

All those disks you are sorting through: couldn't they end up in a PD library? I believe the PD librarians are good at sorting and cataloguing such things.

I would like to receive comments on Click from Slogger. Can anyone assist?

I think I mentioned some time ago the idea of a catalogue of all software and hardware available from members. It could be very useful for each of us to know what other members have. Has anyone pursued this idea?

I still use View, Viewsheet and Viewstore regularly and would welcome an exchange of ideas with anyone else who is well versed with these programs.

I've never heard a peep out of anyone about connecting an Electron to a Z88. I thought my article on my attempts might have drawn some comment or feedback.

I am making hesitant steps to familiarise myself with Bulletin Boards and e-mail. Since the local Acorn User Group utilises the internet for e-mail and discontinued its Bulletin Board service, I have used the local BBs of the Amiga Club (I also have a Commodore 64) and I believe my e-mail address is

I don't check it all that often so may not reply promptly if anyone tries to contact me that way. I guess I'll get better and more regular at it as it becomes more widely used. I'm using Pace's COMMSTAR software on ROM in the Pace cartridge that supplies the RS423 interface.

I've recently heard about an 8bit PD library called ProAction as well. Is it known about and what does it have?

Alan Richardson

I don't know if I'm the best person to give an opinion on Click since I tend to be a little cynical.

I have one and I used it for a while. The address book seems a little small for me but will be adequate for many people. It holds, so I believe, about thirty addresses. The clock is quite good. The tape to disk facility will be useful for long games. However, one game to a disk is all you get. This isn't really a problem though when you consider the advantages in terms of speed. All in all, quite a good little piece of kit, if a little expensive.

I sympathise re: you not getting much feedback. To be fair, some people don't write a lot. EUG is as good as it is because of those who do and many people do write in occasionally. Do keep sending requests for help though. Somebody might just have solved a problem recently and be able to help.

This time you have struck lucky. A member, John Dobbin, has written to say that he thinks Derek Walker knows a lot about connecting Elks to all kinds of other machines. Derek no longer subscribes to EUG but I'm sure that if you write to him, he will give you any information which he has. Also, John has sent in an address of a User Group for the Z88. It was at least, still active in 1990.

If you have, or get, any information on connecting a disk drive to a Z88 the John is looking for it. Also, don't forget to tell everyone how you got on.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #32

Alan Richardson