Whatever Happened To...

Published in EUG #37

Just received EUG #36 - many thanks. However, I can't load the Mailbag. I get the message "No Room at line 140".

I now have my correct e-mail address if anyone wants to send digital information by electronic communication. It is "".

The local Acorn User Group had an enjoyable meeting recently with an address from Ray Pritchard of Acorn UK. Seems a little more effort will be going into maintaining a presence (with service) in regions downunder. I was pleased to hear this as I intend to upgrade to a RISC PC II when and if.

Many thanks to the helpers with info on the Z88. I have now contacted the librarian although the Acorn sub-librarian has yet to surface. I've also contacted Jack Lawrie who is a mine of information, and Rakewell, a company that still support and supply hardware for the Z88.

I'm still interested in contacting anyone who has expertise with the Okimate 20 printers, especially relating to a colour dump for the Elk. I was told that Electron User used an Okimate 20 with some specially written software for screen snaps that appeared in the magazine.

I'm after an original tape of Boffin from Addictive.

Has anyone heard of a product called Bel Gen? I have a copy of Bel Base and the literature mentions "Bel Gen, a family tree programmer for the Acorn Electron". The company's name was Bel Tech Limited of Bridgnorth, Shropshire. A letter of mine sent to the address in the handbook elicted the response "Gone Away".

Unfortunately, Cumana is no more. It was bought from the receiver by Cannon Computers, whose company has no interest in disk drives past or present. Does anyone have contact with ex-staff of Cumana? I have unfortunately had a problem with my Cumana disk drive cartridge for the Elk. I have backup ROM images of almost every ROM I have except the Cumana one. A friend can burn a new EPROM for me but first I need the ROM image on ADFS disk. (If I made a ROM image of the Cumana DFS EPROM, I put it on a Cumana formatted disk. Which, of course, I cannot access!)

Does anyone have the disk for the Acorn Electron Advanced User Guide published by Adder Publishing Ltd? I'm happy to send two blank disks for one in return?

I hope someone has sent Gus a review of Sunday. [Fat chance! - Gus] I haven't due to an inherent limitation when it comes to playing games. My friend with a Master is building and his computing has suffered as a result. But such an effort like Sunday deserves credit.

My previously mentioned intention to start a list of all references to Elk books and software that I have come across in magazines has come to naught so far. Time and tide wait for no man.

There was a Plus 3 disk mentioned in The Micro User, January 1989 that had the Time And Magik Trilogy: Lords Of Time, Red Moon and The Price (Prince?) Of Magik.

A&B Computing was offering Complete Home Office And Games Compendium on 3.5" ADFS in its October 1988 issue (page 83). Also of interest is Typeasy v4 for the Elk from Carswell Computers, advertised in A&B May 1987, page 95.

On a broader front, I notice that A&B offered quite a lot of Elk software over the years. Does anyone know what happened to this? Could make a good collection judging by some of the titles.

I can now transfer files from my Z88 to the Electron's filing system for backing up, etc. I still don't have the link quite right, but I'm told it is merely a matter of handshaking (Ha! Ha!).

Alan Richardson

Your problems accessing EUG #36 are due to the new menu produced by Richard Dimond. I have been contacted by a few members to say they are having an identical problem. Working it out, I think it's probably due to some particular hardware you each may be using, perhaps a type of disk interface. I don't know but it would be nice if I did.

The idea for the new menu came from me and, as usual, I turned to Richard for help because he has most of the answers. We both put quite a lot of effort into it and will be beside ourselves with grief over its failure. (Where did the expression "beside ourselves" come from?)

If other members have had problems, could they contact me? Perhaps saying which disk system you are using. (Hint, hint!)

Hope someone can help with your requests for information.

Incidentally, we heard New Zealand had a catastrophic power failure recently. Fancy giving us the lowdown? It sounded quite spectacular.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #37

Alan Richardson