That Watford ROM

Published in EUG #3

A recent request in The Micro User was from an Electron owner who wanted to know if Watford Electronics' View Printer Driver ROM was compatible with the Electron. I have wondered about this for some time, and having made mine a 64K Electron and added a printer, I decided to take a chance.

The ROM fits nicely into my AP6 ROM Board and I can now get underlined and bold printing on my Panasonic KX-P1624. Twenty nine pounds was a lot to pay for that small benefit, I hear you say, but I think I can get a lot more out of it than that.

The problem is that the manual is not very clear and is going to take some deciphering. Suffice to say that I am going to leave it alone for a while as I want to understand my new printer first. Besides, I have only just managed to get the printer to print a £ (pound) sign and the VPD ROM only makes a HASH (#) of it.

G. S. German

I wish the heap I'm using could print a pound sign! Please keep us posted on your progress with the VIEW PRINTER DRIVER ROM and thanks for the info you supplied for the printer survey etc too!

Will Watts

Terry Monaghan