Desperately Seeking Software

Categories: Letter

Author: Andrew Balhatchet
Published in EUG #5

I have a couple of queries I am hoping you will be able to answer for me. Firstly, I have tried seemingly everything to find some software called the Information Display System (£7.95) and Supreme Team (£9.95). Both came from a company called Touchline which was run by a man named Peter Reynolds.

I managed to find an old advert for these in a couple of 1988 issues of Electron User but have had no luck when writing to the Nuneaton address or phoning the number given in the magazines. I realise Mr. Reynolds may have since moved on and was wondering if you knew how to contact him, or alternatively know of somewhere else I may be able to obtain the software from.

Secondly, I am keen to obtain an Electron version of Alps (Adventure Language Programming System). ACP/Pres did at one time stock copies but have sold out and I have been thwarted in my attempts to contact the manufacturer, Alpine. I would therefore be extremely grateful if you are able to provide a contact address and/or telephone number for Alpine or know of an alternative source for purchasing a copy.

Thanks in advance for all your help, and for your commitment and support to the Electron and its users. Long may it continue.

Andrew Balhatchet, Northampton

I don't think I'll earn your thanks as I'm stumped! Can anyone else supply Andrew with the information he needs? While we're on the subject of help, please don't assume that others will also send information you may have. Your response could be the only one we get!

Will Watts, EUG #5

Andrew Balhatchet