RGB Splitter Answer

Categories: Letter

Author: Robert Sprowson
Published in EUG #58

Quick plug first. If the BBC Master's year 2000 problem is still annoying you the only known ROM-based Y2K fix is still available from me: Doomsday costs £10 inclusive of manual, ROM and postage!

In EUG #56, Kevin Etheridge wrote:

> I have a query for the Classifieds. I seek a 6 pin Din/RGB splitter
> for a monitor, i.e. I want to connect the cable from a BBC, and a
> cable from a Master 128 into a splitter box that has a moveable lever
> on it to specify which machine you have chosen to use with the 
> monitor. Two leads (the Beeb/M128) go into the splitter and one cable
> comes out to the monitor.

OK, that's not so difficult.

>    I am hopeless with electronics, etc, and was quoted fifty pounds
> for someone to build/make one for me - can anyone out there help me
> in EUG land?

Crikey! What were they making it out of? Gold, I hope.

Here's the parts you'll need from Maplin Electronics:

   2  x  HH36P 6-pin chassis DIN socket   @ £0.55 each
   1  x  HH29G 6-pin plug                 @ £0.49
   2m of XR26D 6 core screened cable      @ £0.79 per metre
   1  x  BZ72P Small black box            @ £1.65 each
   1  x  AR35Q 4 pole changeover switch   @ £0.95

By my reckoning, that's less than £6 of parts so I'd imagine a tenner's about the right price for a built one!

Robert Sprowson

Robert Sprowson