1st February 1996Categories: Letter
Author: Stan Hardy
Published in EUG #24
Last issue (EUG #23) you published a spreadsheet and noted that it could only be loaded into Viewsheet. The following is a literal copy of page 133 of the VIESHEET manual.
Loading Spreadsheets Into View
The screen command allows you to save parts of the current sheet to tape or disk in such a way that it can be loaded into the View word processor. Ensure the sheet will fit into the format of the View screen into which it is needed and then decide on a filename for it.
You must then set it as a Printer window as the SCREEN command will only work with Printer windows.
Place the relevant disk into the disk drive.
The sheet, as then displayed on the screen, is loaded onto the file. When the prompt ( => ) returns, the file is recorded.
The new file can then be READ into a View screen or document and then further edited if necessary. If in doubt the View manuals will supply further information on the READ command.
Quite a large number of View and Viewsheet ROMs were sold cheaply without the instructions manuals so perhaps there may be readers out there who know where reprints of these may be obtained.
Hope this helps. Lots of luck.
Stan Hardy
Thanks, Stan. There does seem to be a shortage of manuals of all kinds - both because of ROMs and equipment being sold without them and because they have been lost or destroyed. The local libraries, universities, colleges and Hampshire counties have admitted that they threw out their stock of 8-bit manuals and are quite incapable of seeing a connection with destroying books. Of course, libraries tend to be run by people with Arts Degrees who, dare I say it, sometimes see Science as some sort of witchcraft!
I have suggested to a number of members that if they see any Elk or BBC books on sale (going cheap!), they should buy them and resell through EUG.
Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #24