View Printing Plea

Published in EUG #20

I am 77 years of age and became interested in the Elk after buying one complete with data recorder and software from a car boot sale for £10. I have since added a Plus 3 and an Epson FX80+ printer.

I am very much a beginner and am trying my hand with the View word processing cartridge.

I have found that when printing with the View cartridge, the paper rolls on for about nine inches after printing has ceased. Can anyone tell me what I am doing, or not doing, wrong?

Alva Parrott

The paper tends to be rolled through after a number of lines in an attempt to skip perforations when printing with continuous paper. View was originally written to emulate professional Word Processors at the time and, in the late Seventies and early Eighties, so called 'footers' were very popular. (They tended to contain information about all the important people in a particular company and so on). The View manual explains how to set the footer margin to zero with the stored command FM. Contact EUG if you do not have a copy of this.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #20

Alva Parrott