Pres' Protection Sussed

Categories: Letter

Author: Richard Dimond
Published in EUG #48

Apologies for the delay in this submission but I was not very well over Christmas with a rather nasty cold.

At last I have managed to get the new-style EUG issues to work with CODE8 and the disk can incorporate all the features this brings. I was also interested in the review of PRES GAMES DISKs 1 to 3 across the past few issues [5 is in this issue - Ed] as I purchased these disks some time ago and cracked the disk protection. Pres have craftily altered the directories so that if you try to copy the disk you get an error message. The files are read from the disk using machine code instead of the normal CHAIN command.

When I first got my Advanced Plus 3, I did quite a bit of 'hacking' to get games onto disks. Not only can you squeeze all these three disks onto one ADFS disk but, with a bit of manipulation, you can have all the Reptons on one disk too!

I look forward to the development of the Acorn Electron PC emulator. There's been one for the Spectrum for quite some time. It's about time we had one too!

Best wishes for the new Millennium - if it's not too late!

Richard Dimond

Intrigued? I'm amazed that someone has gotten past Pres' protection and would very much like to preview your unprotected version. If you don't require special equipment, perhaps you can write an article and explain the secret to EUG members.

Dave E, EUG #48

Richard Dimond