Open The Debate

Published in EUG #23

As you already know, this issue's GAME SHOW is the last one I can do for some time. Alas, too many pressures.

I have included a write-up on the way I mended my work disk after ADFS got in a bad mood and destroyed it. Yep, ADFS managed it; it wasn't one of those times when you could kick yourself for leaving the disk on top of a 150 Watt speaker. ADFS writing over a disk - a novel way to go!

Not just that though. My computer's been giving me lots of hassle recently. When I was writing about it (and carefully saving my document every 2.5 seconds, and checking ADFS had put it in the right place!), ADFS and I had a conversation something like this:-

ME. *.
ELK. [Only file in dir: show1]
ELK. File Not Deleted

Try finding that error in the Plus 3 manual!

Somehow I did manage to save it. I bet having a BBC is not anywhere near as exciting!

In my letter to you a couple of months ago, I voiced my approval for a paper-based EUG magazine again and you picked up on it in the editorial. In that letter, I stated the direction in which I think EUG should go but for the benefit of all the readers, and to stir up discussion a bit (Wake up, everyone!), I will now say how I feel. Like Gus said, there are various forms in which the magazine could do - either fully on disk, fully on disk and fully on paper or fully on disk with text on paper. I think these are the only possibilities and I don't give much credence to a few of them.

I think everything in the magazine should be on the disk, both text and programs. This could be the cheapest form of the magazine! Then, if people wish to pay more for a nice looking paper form of the magazine, this could be available too. It is often easier to read text on paper than a TV or Monitor and very few of the people who wanted the magazine text would want the programs included as they would be paying for something they wouldn't want to use. There could be an additional extra insert though for those readers with non-standard disk drives (or even tape!) with program listings like the 'Yellow Pages' from the old format BBC Acorn User. I would very strongly oppose, and don't doubt the majority of readers would, a fully paper-based EUG. It would be such a disappointment but I don't think it would happen. (If it did, I would be upset that I'd raised the issue!)

The other option was to have the text on paper with a program disk. I personally like the menu system of EUG and it would be a shame to base the magazine around paper with a disk as extra. I don't think a 'cover disk' would suit many people.

Another point, which I raised on the telephone, is Electron User programs being used as fill-in for extra disk space. I remember someone suggesting that old EUG articles should be reprinted. I oppose this idea and believe that when a magazine starts doing this then it's running out of fresh inspiration! But as for old Electron User programs, there is a very good reason. How many people have a disk version of them?! I haven't! So, if programs and games were submitted, they could form a nice subsection of each EUG disk.

I have the impression all of the programs are now Public Domain but I guess it would be best to get written permission from Europress Ltd (formerly Database Publications Ltd) to cover everything. Republication on a grand scale might not please them.

Ross Little

EUG will publish Electron User programs but only after some modification has been made to the original listing. I realise that this may sound a little petty but really EUG should be a means of exchanging ideas. Modifications don't need to be major. I used their TextEd program for a while and made some changes to it (Screen colour and an extra function into the menu).

As you will notice, there hasn't really been much response to the idea of changing EUG. Apart from you, the only comments I have had from readers is that they like things as they are.

A program is included on the Main Menu to print out all the text files with one pass. Comments on this are welcome. Do you want program listings as well? Does it work well with your printer? As somebody once said, "If you don't speak up, you don't have anything to say!"

Thanks again for all your contributions and look forward to hearing from you again.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #23

Ross Little