Name Please

Categories: Letter

Author: Stan Hardy
Published in EUG #14

Good luck with the task you've taken on! I had already sent money to Derek for four more issues of the EUG magazine. Does your letter mean that we now have to send the money to you?

I think we owe a debt of gratitude to Will Watts for his work in getting all this going and sincerely hope we shall still hear from him.

I am astounded by the way EUG has developed since the first issue and hope that we may see some of the old Electron User contributors giving us a word of advice now and again!

By the way, what's the phonetical pronunciation of your name?

Stan Hardy

'G' as in 'Gneu', 'U' as in 'Ugh', 'S' as in 'Silly'. Two sisters, 5 and 7, made the following interpretations:

7. Gus is short for disgust.
5. Sounds better as gut/
7. No, Gust. He isn't fat!

(Little girls survive only because of their charm - especially when they are too smart for their own good!)

My surname is in fact completely phonetical but the second 'D' is silent. i.e. Don-nach-aih. 'Nach' as in 'Loch'.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #14

Stan Hardy