Beg, Borrow Or Steal

Published in EUG #33

Many thanks for EUG #32, my first copy of this little mag, and a special thank you for the info given over the phone to correct the problem encountered trying to get it to print out. Your suggestion of adding VDU 2 and VDU 3 worked wonders!

I am wondering if any EUG readers have any of the following books to hand, as I am desperately trying to buy, beg, borrow or steal them. They are:

  1. Cumana Disk Interface User Guide
  2. Centronics Printer User Manual
  3. Morley Electronics Teletext Adaptor User Handbook

Also, does any reader have a "tractor feed unit" surplus to requirements which fits the Centronics GLP printer, to enable the accurate location and transport of perforated printer paper?

Ron Goad

I should explain that Ron telephoned to ask why the One Pass Printout option didn't work. I must have done something wrong again with EUG #32. Sorry to everyone. I do try but I rarely print out EUG myself, mainly because I usually know it all by heart by the time it's finished.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #33

Alva Parrott