Any Answers?

Categories: Letter

Author: R. Morris
Published in EUG #20

My son has been given a BBC Issue 4 DFS 8271 with 5.25" DS 400k disk drives. He has said that he would like to use it at University to do his coursework. He has also been given a Watford Electronics 32K RAM expansion board which is unfitted. Will it be of any use to him?

He has asked about Interword because he has used it in the past. He isn't keen on View and, though he likes Wordwise Plus, he's not taken by having to go into preview mode to see what his printed text will look like.

I have no idea about Starword and Starspell but in EUG #6, an article by Robert Hall sings the praises about Starspell so could Starword be as good?

My son will be printing out to an Epson LX-800 which I think is very much like the LX-400. But I do know that he would like to get a Canon Bubblejet so what in the way of printer drivers would he need?

Mr R. S. Morris

I think the 32K board fits into the 6502 socket with the 6502 going into the 32K board. Perhaps someone can clarify this. It will be worth the effort.

I have no experience of Interword myself but I have heard it is very good. I have put your wanted advert into the Classified Ads section.

I do know about Starspell and personally I thought it was well...bad. Very slow and cumbersome. I never use it now though I know there are a number of people who wish I would.

I have been told that the Canon Bubblejet will work as well as any other printer. I presonally never use any printer driver but those who do swear by them. You pays your money and ya takes yer choice, as a neighbour of mine likes to say.

Good luck to your son at University. He might find joining EUG interesting.

Gus Donnachaidh, EUG #20

R. Morris