Answers Please!

Categories: Letter

Author: E. Kramer
Published in EUG #3

My main use of the Electron is for word processing. I use the Acornsoft View word processing ROM and JP101 printer. It has served me well for a number of years and I will probably continue to use this equipment for as long as it continues to give good service.

Frankly, I now find tape software too much trouble to bother with but recognise the limited availability of software on 3.5" disk. Does anyone have a list of commercially available software?

I have the Plus 3 Welcome Disc, Plus 3 Games Disc, Superior Collection Volume 3 and various disks from Electron User magazine. I also have two of the Kosmos language disks (The French Mistress and The Spanish Tutor). Although these are advertised as being for the Master Compact, they run without problem on the Electron. However, Superior Software/Acornsoft say that their Master Compact disks will not run on the Electron and Database Publications say the same about their Mini Office II.

In addition to the above I also have the Electron disk version of Acornsoft's Database. This appears to be a potentially excellent piece of software but I have been unable to get it to sort entries once made. Does anybody have a version that runs without problems?

I have many games, etc on cassette and have transferred some of these to disk using the Slogger Tape To Disk (T2P3) ROM. This is a tedious business and is often only successful after several attempts. Does anybody have a list of software that can be successfully transferred or a list of those which cannot?

As already mentioned I have the Acorn/Olivetti JP101 printer. This is excellent and has given good service in the four years since I bought it new for less than one hundred pounds. It works on the spark jet principle and the ink jets cost around four pounds each. I used to buy these from Micro Media near Leicester but I believe they may have ceased trading. Does anyone know of another supplier?

Although the printer has always given good service, I fear the day when it requires a repair. Does anybody know where this printer could be serviced/repaired, preferably within easy reach of Preston. The same question applies to the Electron itself and the disk drive.

E. C. Kramer
Fulwood, Preston

An article dedicated to the repair and maintenance of the Electron and related hardware is being researched at the moment so look out for it in a future issue! Can other people help with Mr K's other questions?

Will Watts

E. Kramer