Alternative Alternative

Categories: Letter

Author: Alec Miles
Published in EUG #9

With reference to the Alternative Printer Driver discussed by Christopher Chadwick in EUG #4. First of all, let me say how good I thought the program was, but for one thing, I could never get my GLP printer to go into NLQ mode.

On looking at the Driver program, I checked the line which should send my printer to work. Although I had copied it correctly, it still only printed in draft print.

      810 EQUB &00004645FF/HT 132
On consulting the Printer manual, I came up with an alternative code which was:
      810 EQUB &3031FF78/HT 132
It may be that there's something different about my GLP but if anybody else has had the same problem they might like to try the new code.

Alec Miles
Billericay, Essex

Alec Miles