Commodore Format

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge

Author: Roger Frames
Publisher: GBH
Machine: Commodore 64/128

Published in Commodore Format #28

Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (GBH)

Two-player heaven, that's what this is. If you get lumbered baby-sitting a dorky cousin Lotus is sure to keep him quiet and you from whacking him over the head. Though I didn't give it a better mark than Supercars, this is still a darned good burn-'em-up. There are various styles of racing games - which one you prefer depends on which controls and views you prefer. In Lotus you're behind the car, as opposed to the overhead view in Supercars.

You pays your money and you takes your choice - a real driving feel or remote controlled models? If you've got the cash, and the economy's looking dodgy, get 'em both before inflation sends the prices rocketing.

Roger Frames

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