Fusion Retro Books


Publisher: 21bloques
Machine: Amstrad CPC464/664

Published in AMTIX CPC 003


Descending blocks of various colours and shape formations have graced our video game screens since Tetris exploded into mainstream popularity in the '80s. Since then, game developers have arrived in droves to deliver eager players, variants of the descending pentominoes theme. Llum reinterprets one of these variants - the celebrated PSP puzzler, Luminies, where you have to direct the falling coloured cube arrangements and rotate them into single colour 2 x 2 shape alignments as they land.

With only two colours per level, you'd think this was a walk in the park, but you'd be gravely mistaken - four rotations give plenty of permutations. On top of this, the matching colours aren't dissolved until the timeline at the bottom completes its loop. A clutter of matching blocks patiently waits for their demise as you're stacking dangerous close to the top, which unfortunately spells game over.


Although Llum offers nothing that hasn't been seen before, it still delivers a challenge for players that love this type of game. The tension created while waiting on the timeline to loop in order to free up space with the matched blocks is nerve-racking. You have to stay focussed to keep the playfield tidy, and in tandem, be mindful of how high you are stacking the blocks. The graphics are functional and serve the game well, providing new colours of blocks on each level.

The music threw me off initially but then it eventually dawned on me that it was a rendition of the C64 Action Biker music - how odd to hear it in here! What's most impressive is that the game is created entirely in Basic, and this is no mean feat. Yes, it results in a bit of lag when rotating the blocks, but it isn't game-breaking.


A straightforward puzzler with simple gameplay. I have to admit it ook me a while to get into Llum and I spent ages trying to make lines rather than matching coloured shapes.

It plays okay but I found the lag when rotating blocks annoying. What else to say really other than it's an okay puzzler that's fun if you're into this genre.


Presentation 70%
It offers what it says on the tin. Gameplay screen well laid out and easy to follow.

Graphics 68%
Colourful and functional static graphics. Slight flicker when moving blocks.

Sound 70%
Doesn't exactly make the Amstrad sing, but merry melodies.

Addictive Qualities 79%
Fans of the puzzle game will undoubtedly love it.

Lastability 70%
All depends if your play this kind of game with obsession.

Overall 69%