ST Format

Leisure Suit Larry

Author: Deborah Cook
Publisher: Kixx XL
Machine: Atari ST

Published in ST Format #53

Leisure Suit Larry

Leisure suits, eh? Perhaps it's one of those attractive ecru-coloured outfits you see advertised in the Mail On Sunday colour supplement and worn by the pre-menopausals shoving their trolleys round Sainbury's. Or is it that hideous fashion blunder, the shellsuit? Well, not this leisure suit. This one houses Larry, the man about town, who's desperately trying to look like Noel Coward but looks more like a Saturday Night Fever cast off. Medallion and all.

Larry's certainly been around - in more ways than one. He graced our monitors in the late '80s and reappears in the budget range. Leisure Suit Larry is an adventure game and you, as Larry, explore clubland, drink whiskey and try to off-load your large levels of testosterone.

The game must be played in sequence which is quite tricky as it's all so nonsensical. You control Larry with the mouse - which is a little oversensitive - activating various icons and collecting objects. Walking Larry about becomes tiresome as you never get close enough to the relevant icon or object - his drunken swagger probably doesn't help matters either! Another frustrating thing is that is so easy to die - these guys ought to take a tip from LucasArts who've got adventuring sussed. The music is of a "stylophone nature" and you are never quite sure whether you're listening to When the saints go marching in or By the rivers of Babylon! But hey, what does it matter?


Leisure Suit Larry is harmless fun, but not for you if you're elderly, of a weak disposition, a raging feminist or under 18. These budget games usually sell well, and if you like this then you're in for a treat as there are a few more versions to come. Invest your money in The Secret Of Monkey Island, instead. It's fun, a lot more challenging, and a beautifully polished game.


  1. Fun for a short time only.
  2. Adult sense of humour.


  1. Can be quite sexist.
  2. Slow gameplay, crap controls.

Deborah Cook

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