Games Computing

Laser Command

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Micro Power
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Games Computing #3

Laser Command (Micro Power)

The cassette arrived with a sheet of photocopied instructions which left something to be desired. Options included one or two players, ten skill levels, choice of alien bomb etc.

The cassette loaded first time and onto the screen was printed "Laser Command for Micro Power" (which was somewhat strange). The keys chosen for control, an important factor, were not brilliant but were adequate.

The game was well presented, the object being to destroy the alien fire in defence of your six cities. Defence was in the form of mines which could be detonated immediately or left for later use. The game, though slightly mystifying at first, proved to be extremely playable. A high-score table was sorely missed, however graphics and sound were well used and although my high-score was negligible, 16000, I am sure that with practice others will easily surpass this.