Commodore User

Keef The Thief

Author: Mark Patterson
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in Commodore User #75

Keef The Thief

E's a likely lad is Keef. Dumped on the Temple's steps as a nipper. The priests took him in, then kicked him out. The magicians took him in - they also kicked him out. And now you get to play Keef, the medieval world's answer to Ronnie Kray and the good-for-nothing character in Electronic Arts' latest RPG.

It's up to you to give Keef a boost, and to bring him fame, fortune and popularity. Start off with just a few gold pieces, and your wits about you. Survive the jungle, the wilderness, a few random attacks and head off to the nearby town. This is where the real fun starts...

Depending upon which phrase you choose, you can elicit some very funnt replies from the locals. Some of the provide you with interesting snippets of information; some sell you handy equipment. On the other hand, you could always steal...

Keef The Thief

More often than not you'll find yourself being rumbled, or even mugged, so you'll always need to defend yourself.

The screen display changes to show a forty-five degree view in front of Keef. Move him around to face his opposition and click on the fire button to batter them. Unfortnately Keef tends not to fare too well in combat in the early stages of the game. And he often ends flat on his back.

Keef The Thief is a typical example of the high quality of Electronic Arts' RPGs. Keef contains lots of scope for exploration, puzzles, stacks of humour, great graphics and just about everything else you could want. With a very easy play method, I can heartily recommend this to any Bard's Tale fan, or to just about anybody else who enjoys an amusing RPG. I just hope we don't have to wait too long before we see more from the programmers, who, aptly, are named Naughty Dog Inc.

Mark Patterson