Amiga Power


Publisher: PD Soft
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in Amiga Power #41


Guest reviewer - Steve Priestley of TV's famous Movies, Games and Videos: Hello and welcome to this, my guest spot reviewing PD for Amiga Power. That's Amiga Power, the magazine with Attitude. And before we start with the review here's a quick compo in association with Amiga Power. If you want to win tickets to see Macaulay Culkin's latest US blockbuster smash, Don't I Make You Feel Sick?, all you have to do is answer this question. How many words being with A in the name Amiga Power. Is it (a) One? (b) John Cassevetes, or (c) Can you possibly conceive how much I'm paid to talk excitedly over trailers and EPKs cheaply provided by the production companies?

And now on to the review. This week it's a game that's taken Germany by storm, and one you can bet will be racing up the charts pretty soon. Kasejadg is a rat and mouse platform game in which the mouse has to get the cheese before the rat gets the mouse. The screen is divided into a number of blocks containing various obstacles, or steps, or slides which you swap around in an attempt to get the mouse to the cheese and to keep the rat away from the mouse.

It all looks brilliant fun. Er, except that it's a bit slow. And the controls are crap and make the game virtually unplayable. And the graphics aren't very good. But I'm not allowed to actually make critical comments in my reviews, so I won't mention these things. Kasejadg - it's brilliant. See you again next time in Amiga Power, the magazine with Attitude and One Word Beginning With 'A' In Its Name. Don't forget to enter the competition.

Roughly translated, it's rubbish.