Commodore User

Jinn Genie

Publisher: Micromega
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #16

Jinn Genie

An Arabian Nights-style, four part pot-boiler. Before you can finally free an imprisoned sage from the custody of an evil genie there's some travelling to do. Devils home in on your flying door mat, though naturally you can vaporise them.

After landing at the Genie's palace, an open window has to be found. This quest entails dodging about a maze, eluding the guards and trying all the windows. Once inside, all the torches have to be lit though guards insist on extinguishing them: also beware of the spiders (there's always one!) who may send you reeling. With the aid of your stun whatsit the brightness finally shines forth revealing a magic jar. Into the Genie's den you drag the urn, whereupon you discover the prisoner and key: put the three together to free the Wizard. The graphics are fair enough and you do get a helping of Eastern music. After two games at level one I was left pondering why such a lot of effort had been expended producing the game!