The One

Ishar 2

Author: Matt Broughton
Publisher: Daze
Machine: Amiga 1200

Published in The One #78

Ishar 2 (Daze)

Simarils' successful role-playing trilogy reached its climax last year, receiving a hearty cheer from adventure fans across the globe. Each episode averaged over 85 percent from most respectable magazines, as well as The One (boom boom!), making Ishar one of the most critically acclaimed series in the history of the world ever.

Like the Star Wars films, Ishar 2's second instalment is regarded by many as the best. Taking place over seven different islands - each inhabited by some of the game's seventy or so enemies - you have to solve puzzles and recruit adventurers to your party as you battle your way through the lush 3D environments.

Although there's no smooth-scrolling between locations (flick-screen only, I'm afraid!), it's still one of the best-looking RPGs available.

Combat plays an important part in the game, and is thankfully easy to grasp. Just select your weapon or spell and click on the enemy - it doesn't get much harder than that. Of course, actually defeating the blighters is pretty tough once you get going, so saving regularly is a must.

The plot, though essentially linear, is more imaginative than most, and you never really feel you're being forced along one set path. This is where Ishar 2 stands head, shoulders and belly above the rest, and makes trekking through the play area (over three times the size of its predecessor) miles more fun than it really ought to be.

Ishar 2, at less than thirteen quid, is tremendous value for money. It's immensely enjoyable and will take you at least a month of solid play to get through - and you can't ask for much more than that, can you?

Matt Broughton

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