Games Computing


Publisher: Arcadia
Machine: Oric 48K/Atmos

Published in Games Computing #3

Invaders (Arcadia)

If you're after a space invader type game then you won't go far wrong with this one.

Although it's not a new game concept it's nevertheless one that almost any arcade player will want in his or her library. Invaders needs no explanation at all about the gameplay. But what I can say about this version is that the graphics are good, the explosions and whizz bangs are just fine and it sticks quite faithfully to the original arcade game.

It is not the most exciting game I've ever played but one thing in its favour is that it loads very easily - and that's a big plus if you're an Oric owner. One important flaw with the game though is that you have to turn off the computer in order to clear the screen.