Commodore User


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #7


A compendium of six pool-style games for one or two players. You position a plus sign to mark the point of impact, wait for the desired degree of velocity as indicated on the gauge, press the button, and presto - another successful plot.

Obviously some complicated algorithms are employed in this engrossing simulation in order to replicate the interaction of angles, speed transfer of kinetic energy and resultant deflections. Without being really pedantic I can see no room for improvement in either the graphics or sound effects: and the ragtime accompanying the title and menu screens is a positive joy.

You can switch from game to game whilst the top scores for each is retained on the hi-score screen. An absorbing program; well worth having.

Other Reviews Of Hustler For The Commodore 64

A review by Bob Chappell (Personal Computer News)

Hustler (Bubble Bus)
A review by K.I. (Home Computing Weekly)

Hustler (Bubble Bus)
A review