Commodore User


Publisher: Bubble Bus
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #4


Fans of Ray Reardon and Steve Davies will enjoy this version of the popular pool arcade game. Six game variants are provided ranging from simple potting up to two-player games such as minipool.

Six coloured balls are shown on the table plus a white cue ball. The game is played by moving a cursor with the joystick until it is situated at the point on the ball you have chosen at which you intend to aim the cue ball. The strength of the shot is adjusted by watching a moving scale and pressing the fire button at the required point.

This game is immense fun and in one reviewer's household caused fights amongst children and adults alike for possession of the joystick. The graphics and colour are superb and the sound effects are very good. The sound of a ball bouncing off the cushion is very realistic (the sound of balls colliding could possibly be improved - a minor point really). Movement is fast and smooth but we suspect that liberties have been taken in interpreting Newton's law on linear momentum conservation [Dictionary for breakfast again, I see - Ed]. Thoroughly recommended.