ST Format

By Domark
Atari ST

Published in ST Format #16


One of me little pomes: "Christmas is coming, the compilations are starting to appear/The first one's from Domark, for whom a big cheer." [You're definitely fired this time, pal - Ed] Those really rather nice people from Putney have gift-wrapped four hero-type personages for this suite of games. Licence To Kill, one of the squillions of Domark Bond licences, is a standard multi-format jobbie involving lots of shootin', duckin'-an'-a-divin' and generally eliminatin' with extreme prejudice - all the game elements we've all come to know and predict so well.

Barbarian II, rather rather highly on release but a bit long in the tooth now, is a basic hack-'n-slash, slice-'n-dice item setting you against a variety of weird and wonderful opponents who wat to either peck your eyeballs out or stomp on your undercarriage.

The Running Man was an excellent film converted into a disappointing game, the general idea being to guide the muscles from Brussels [No he isn't! - Ed] through various levels of futuristic mayhem, beating up whoever gets in his way. The game didn't play well then, and it don't play no better now.

Star Wars is probably the pick of the pack. Graphics are very similar to the vector arcade game, and all the sampled voices are in there. All in all, Heroes ain't no showstopper, but if you don't already have, say, three of the four 30 quid is a nice price and a cheap way to bulk out your collection somewhat.