Alessandro Grussu

H.E.R.O. Returns

Categories: Review: Software
Author: Alessandro Grussu
Publisher: Matra
Machine: Spectrum 48K/128K/+2/+3

Published in Al's Spectrum Annual 2021

H.E.R.O. Returns

The game is a tribute to Activision's ancient H.E.R.O. - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation, originally released for the Atari 2600 and converted to the Spectrum as well. Your task will be to rescue the miners trapped inside a set of caves full of traps. To do this, you have a 'unicopter', i.e. a propeller mounted on a backpack, four sticks of dynamite to make way and an arc gun with a very limited range, useful for getting rid of crabs, bats, snakes and other perilous beasts. However, you are defenceless against the crocodiles that occasionally come out of water pools, and you should equally be careful of burning lava walls. You also should care not to destroy the lanterns placed in some screen, to avoid being plunged into the darkness. In addition to this, the unicopter's energy is limited, so you cannot waste your time by just wandering around.

The game world is made up with sixteen levels, which become larger and more intricate as you proceed into the game. You have four lives, and you can start over from the last screen reached when you lose all of them, but just once per game.

As in the original, graphics and sound are minimalist to say the least, but completing the mission requires uncommon commitment and timing. You will have to sweat a lot before you can reach the end!

Alessandro Grussu

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