Future Publishing

Gungrave Overdose

Author: Michael French
Publisher: Play-It
Machine: PlayStation 2 (EU Version)

Published in Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine #61

Someone call a doctor - this Overdose is haemorrhaging action

Gungrave Overdose

Every had the urge to take a break from gritty urban cityscapes where gang bangers are constantly smoking each other Itching for fast, quick thrills? Want a cheap lay that's easy on the eyes and the brain? Then this just might be the saucy little thumb-teaser you're looking for...

The screenshots look pretty chaotic, don't they? So you're probably thinking it's a Devil May Cry knock-off. But Gungrave Overdose lacks the depth, complexity and challenge of that game, giving you shallow and frantic action instead. But because it's so relentless, it's easy to zone out and forget what's happening. That it's so focused on BANG BANG BANG only serves to highlight its shortcomings. The flaky camera - so smooth during any parts of the game where nothing's happening and the levels are empty - wimps out and turns into a juddering wreck once the tense boss battles kick in, and the level design is often crushingly repetitive.

That said, Gungrave Overdose revels in the fact that it's utterly dumb yet still manages to look stylish as it assaults your stinging eyeballs. The blunt force trauma of its action cries, "Who needs tactics?" as bullets hammer the drone-like enemies and spang into the environments.

Christ knows this isn't going to win any awards, but it's designed as a throwaway game - and judged on that, it does exactly what it's supposed to. You could certainly do a lot worse for 20 notes. Cast your eyes downwards for further proof.


Graphics 70%
Repetitive, cartoony but brutal.

Sound 40%
Repetitive. Undermines the action.

Gameplay 60%
Repetitive, flawed, but nice gunplay.

Lifespan 40%
Repetitive. Repetitive. Repetitive. Repet...

Overall 60%
An action-packed shooter that's really just a bullet-ridden one-trick pony. It does, however, do that one trick quite well.

Michael French

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