1st October 1982Categories: Review: Software
Author: Norman Kirkby
Published in Beebug Volume 1 Number 6
Graphs And Charts
This is a full package. It covers histograms, pie charts, 2 and 3-D graphs, 3-D surface plotting, 2 and 3-D contour surfaces, and stereograph and surface plotting. There are 23 programs and procedures grouped in three levels.
Level 1 consists of six fundamental procedures which you can append to a program you are writing using the *EXEC command (explained in Beebug p16 issue 3). these cover e.g. plotting a histogram bar, the fundamentals of a 3-D plot. They provide the greatest freedom of all, but you must do some program writing to bind them together. Level 2 consists of nine procedures, and they are more fully worked out. You have to write less, but you have less freedom (although a feature of the package is the ease with which you can amend routines to suit, aided by many helpful remarks and consistent variable names, line numbers and built-in choices).
All the procedures range from 5 to 384 lines in length, and example programs are given in the book showing how to use each procedure.
Level 3 consists of eight fully-written ready-to-run programs demonstrating all but the stereo plots. You input data. The book lists the programs and procedures and gives helpful suggestions and explanations. The cassette contains all the programs except the level 2 example programs mentioned above, which are very short. The package is up to the high Acornsoft standard. Screen presentation is very good and a deal of skill is obvious throughout. I recommend you to get both the book and the cassette (the latter because some of the programs are very long).
The package will appeal to anyone wanting to obtain programs covering these areas for teaching, small/medium business applications, research, self education and hobby use. All but the histogram and pie chart routines naturally require a mathematical knowledge. All run on a 16K machine, but some will need "MODE 1" changed to "MODE 5".
If you just want to plot 2-D graphics, Beebugsoft's Superplot is a better alternative (and cheaper).
[You may not believe this, but the above is a totally unsolicited assessment from an independent reviewer - Ed]
This article was converted to a web page from the following pages of Beebug Volume 1 Number 6.