Commodore User


Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Microdeal
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Commodore User #14


Not one but two mazes are displayed on each screen, both populated by peskies out for your hide. While you are tidying up the place by taking the 'bones' to the central reservation, indestructible blue monsters keep popping up trying to undo your efforts before setting out on your trail. You may switch at will between the two sectors via the fire button, tactically avoiding destruction or perhaps to complete the collection process.

Four power pills (what else?) are divided between the two mazes giving you the power of death over the brown meanies for a limited time. When all eight slots have been successfully filled another of the ten boards pops up, with the occasional no-chaser bonus board interspersed. To rack up a hefty score on the latter, some nifty board switching is needed as there are plenty of dead ends in each maze... it's not just a points hand out.

The background melody is appealing but for extended stretches of play the volume control on your TV will need tweaking.