Games Computing


Publisher: Continental
Machine: Memotech

Published in Games Computing #15

Goldmine (Continental)

This is a Manic Miner look alike from Continental. Your task is to collect bags of gold from the tunnels of a gold mine and deposit them in a bin at the minehead to gain points. You must go down ladders to access interconnecting labyrinths or pitshafts and tunnels where the gold lies.

Some of the bags of gold lie behind walls in sections and are obtained by first taking pickaxes (which have a limited lifespan) to break down the barriers. Other bonus bags of gold are placed in difficult to get at places. These are worth the effort as they count five times the ordinary bags in points.

If you don't score highly enough within a hidden time to pass on to the next level you lose a life. Thus the gold must be collected quickly. Whilst collecting the gold you must avoid the ghosts of miners trapped by phantasms and called 'evil lurchers' (I always thought they were guard dogs) which roam the mine.

If you touch one of these or a fireball or get bonked by a lift or an ore cart you lose a life. The same applies if you fall down a lift or pit shaft. To avoid losing lives therefore you must also collect the gold cautiously. You can avoid ore carts by grabbing hand holds in tunnel ceilings. Using this method, you give yourself time to pass on to the adjacent screen without mishap. There are three screens to each level which lie side by side to the right, starting with the original.

The game has five levels of increasing difficulty and complexity. The dripping and digging mine-like sound effects go well with the game, which has good colourful graphics and action. This is a well-put-together game with good screen instructions and plenty of challenging action. I had problems with the lifts which refused to take me and left me suspended in mid air, but I suspect that was due to my lack of skill.

One of the best games for the Memotech and well worth the money.