Games Computing

Gilligan's Gold

Publisher: Ocean
Machine: Commodore 64

Published in Games Computing #12

Gilligan's Gold (Ocean)

An interesting maze type game in which you control Gilligan who has to negotiate the labyrinths of a gold mine. As you manoeuvre him through the mine your task is to pick up bags of gold, carry them to a wheelbarrow and to do so before your time runs out. As always obstacles are in your way. There are three outlaws who roam the mine and who cause the loss of a life if they catch you. This can be avoided by simply evading them in the various corridors, up ladders or in lifts. They can be stunned temporarily by hitting them with pickaxe handles that can be found around the mine.

A further method of escaping from them is to jump onto small ore trucks that roll along the corridors, but beware, if you mis-time your jump, they will run you over.

This is a multi-screen game that scrolls horizontally to show further parts of the mine.