A&B Computing

Getting The Most From Your BBC Micro

Categories: Review: Book
Publisher: Penguin
Machine: BBC B/B+/Master 128

Published in A&B Computing 2.02

Getting The Most From Your BBC Micro (Penguin)

Clive Williamson has done a fair job producing yet another follow-up to the BBC User Guide. New BBCs are continually being purchased and new owners are still apparently being bewildered by Acorn's own manual.

If the user were to actually "take on" the User Guide then this sort of book wouldn't have much of a market. Most of the information here is paralleled in the guide. Yes, there are more examples and the flow of the book is more logical than the guide, but there is not enough difference to make it in any way an addition to the information or its availability.

There is a gap in the standard documentation which accompanies the BBC - filled nicely in the Electron package by Yazdani's Start Programming - but this new attempt to fill it is a lot less interesting, especially on sound and graphics than its already established rivals from Prentice-Hall, Granada and Addison-Wesley.

Other Reviews Of Getting The Most From Your BBC Micro For The BBC B/B+/Master 128

Getting The Most From Your BBC Micro
A review by David Guest (Personal Computer News)