Acorn User

Gateway To The Skies

Author: Ken Worrall
Publisher: Solar Soft
Machine: BBC Model B

Published in Acorn User #021

Rich New World

Gateway To The Skies

I embarked on my adventure, feet firmly on the ground, in a deserted village square. Searching the village and surrounding areas, I found the equipment and supplies necessary for my perilous journey. The solution to the puzzle of how to leave Earth made me think hard but at last I was away. Finding myself offworld in the Kingdom of Lataeri, standing by the beautiful Fountains of Yorith, I basked in the warm sun under a yellow sky. The time had come to set about exploring this new world, to find its many treasures - if I could avoid death in fiendish traps. Luckily, while back on Earth I had been vigilant and collected clues which were now saving my life. So on I went...

Gateway To The Skies is not one but two programs. Part one must be completed before part two can be started. This gives a total playing area of more than 34K, with more than 100 locations full of tricks, traps, monsters and treasure to explore and conquer.

After playing the game for three days, I've come close to completing the first part. I found it entertaining with a good balance between skill and trial and error. It has a load/save facility, which means that the fearless explorer need not restart from the beginning if killed.

There is a minor bug - the game restarts if you are not carrying anything when leaving the furnace room.

The game has no sound or graphics but is a good 'traditional' adventure representing good value for money.

Ken Worrall