Are you a kung fu expert? Even if not you'll still enjoy this game, especially if you challenge a friend. Instead of firing endless bullets at your enemy you now have the chance to show off your true strength.
You use four keys, each one giving a different movement. The idea is to flatten your opponent as many times as you can while taking care to defend yourself. It's not that easy - one minute you may be thinking you've performed a perfect kick but the next minute you're flat on your back seeing stars.
The music adds to the atmosphere of the game with its Oriental touch, even if it is a bit monotonous. The graphics for the two players are made up of large line drawings and are beautifully animated, though they could be more colourful.
You may find the game more exciting if you play with a friend as you may then have more chance of winning. It also makes the competition closer. No matter how hard you try when you play the computer, it always seems to come out tops.
If you perform some fantastic stroke but miss it in all the excitement, there is an option to replay the last bout - as many times as you like!
Depending on how well you do you are awarded a coloured belt. I only ever received a white one, which I gather is the lowest.
I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game because it is different from the usual sort. But it's a pity the game doesn't vary at all, by having different moves the further you advance for instance.